I work on buidling LLM infrastructure as a Staff ML System Engineer at OctoAI. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University with a dissertation titled "Automated and Portable Machine Learning Systems". At CMU, I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Tianqi Chen and Prof. Zhihao Jia as a member of the Automated ML System group. In general, I am passionate about co-designing and co-optimizing algorithm and system for efficient ML, concentrating on multi-modal and large language models. To this end, I have worked towards building automated and portable system for distributed ML with a focus on parallelism, operator fusion, and graph optimization.

Email: byungsoj [at] cs.cmu.edu | | | | |


CMU 15-884 Machine Learning Systems

Teaching Assitant, Spring 2021, Instructors: Tianqi Chen

CMU 10-403 Deep Reinforcement Learning and Control

Teaching Assitant, Spring 2020, Instructors: Katerina Fragkiadaki

CMU 10-701 Machine Learning (PhD)

Teaching Assitant, Spring 2019, Instructors: Leila Wehbe, Aaditya Ramdas


Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2022

Winner in North America, awarded $100K to the team (Byungsoo Jeon, Sunghyun Kim from MIT)
- Project title: Holistic Distributed Deep Learning Compilation with Automated Cross-stack Optimization

Kwanjeong Scholarship 2017 - 2021

Awarded from Kwanjeong Educational Foundation for promising PhD students. ($30,000 per year)


> Automated and Portable ML System

GraphPipe: Improving the Performance and Scalability of DNN Training with Graph Pipeline Parallelism

Byungsoo Jeon*, Mengdi Wu*, Sunghyun Kim*, Shiyi Cao*, Sunghyun Park, Neeraj Aggarwal, Colin Unger, Daiyaan Arfeen, Peiyuan Liao, Xupeng Miao, Mohammad Alizadeh, Gregory R. Ganger, Tianqi Chen, Zhihao Jia
In Submission

Collage: Seamless Integration of Deep Learning Backends with Automatic Placement

Byungsoo Jeon*, Sunghyun Park*, Peiyuan Liao, Sheng Xu, Tianqi Chen, Zhihao Jia
PACT 2022 - Integrated to Apache TVM Project
PDF | Slides | Code

SRTuner: Effective Compiler Optimization Customization by Exposing Synergistic Relations

Sunghyun Park, Salar Latifi, Yongjun Park, Armand Behroozi, Byungsoo Jeon, Scott Mahlke
CGO 2022

> Applied ML / RL

OBP-RL: Exploring Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods for Online Binpacking Problem

Byungsoo Jeon, Bharathan Balaji, Saurabh Gupta, Chun Ye
Amazon Machine Leanring Conference 2020

FactoredRL: Leveraging factored graphs for deep reinforcement learning

Bharathan Balaji*, Petros Christodoulou*, Xiaoyu lu*, Byungsoo Jeon, Jordan Bell-Masterson
NeurIPS 2020 (Deep RL Workshop)

Dropout Prediction over Weeks in MOOCs by Learning Representations of Clicks and Videos

Byungsoo Jeon*, Namyong Park*
AAAI 2020 (AI4Edu Workshop)

Dropout Prediction over Weeks in MOOCs via Interpretable Multi-Layer Representation Learning

Byungsoo Jeon*, Namyong Park*, Seojin Bang*
AAAI 2020 (AI4Edu Workshop)

Time-series Insights into the Process of Passing or Failing Online University Courses using Neural-Induced Interpretable Student States

Byungsoo Jeon, Eyal Shafran, Luke Breitfeller, Jason Levin, Carolyn P. Rose
EDM 2019 (Short oral presentation)

Attentive Interaction Model: Modeling Changes in View in Argumentation

Yohan Jo, Shivani Poddar, Byungsoo Jeon, Qinlan Shen, Carolyn P. Rose, Graham Neubig
NAACL 2018 (Poster)
PDF | Code

Music Emotion Recognition via End-to-End Multimodal Neural Networks

Byungsoo Jeon, Chanju Kim, Adrian Kim, Dongwon Kim, Jangyeon Park, Jungwoo Ha,
RecSys 2017 (Poster)

> Distributed System & Algorithm for Tensor Algebra

BIGtensor: Mining Billion-Scale Tensor Made Easy

Namyong Park*, Byungsoo Jeon*, Jungwoo Lee, U Kang
CIKM 2016 (Demo paper)
PDF | Web (open source) | Web (paper)

SCouT: Scalable Coupled Matrix-Tensor Factorization - Algorithm and Discoveries

Byungsoo Jeon, Inah Jeon, U Kang
ICDE 2016 (Long oral presentation)
PDF | Web

TeGViz: Distributed Tera-Scale Graph Generation and Visualization

Byungsoo Jeon, Inah Jeon, U Kang
ICDM 2015 (Demo paper)
PDF | Web